A lot has happened throughout the past few weeks that have kept me busy enough not to get to the website. Ok, there may have been times that I could have updated it, but I was tired. Our class got to keep the classroom in that mishap I mentioned last time. There's also something I found in the dorm that was really interesting. I took a couple pictures of it.
That's not the only thing going on here. Last weekend was my college's first home game for football. We lost our first game for the season, but our performance last week seemed like a much improved team. Although, I still have some criticisms. For instance, we could do a lot better in preventing turnovers. We must have had 5 or 6 fumbles, most of them resulting in turnovers. Yet we still won that game 19 to 3 (they have not posted the score from that game yet, oddly). There is another home game tomorrow, and I am definitely looking foreward to it.
There is something else that I am looking foreward to that isn't coming around for a couple months. It is the next James Bond movie (high speed connection recommended), schedueled to be released in theaters on November 22nd. I will be at the movies on that Friday. I have seen the trailers (available at their website) and the movie looks really amazing. Looking around their website makes it obvious that the movie has an ice theme about it. I'm counting down the days.
Other than all this, it's been pretty much just busy with schoolwork. I have a lot of science based classes this semester. Luckily, science is a strenght for me. I am taking the next level chemistry class and lab. I have no reason to be afraid of the lab. I just have to keep this in mind: don't be a hero. Stay safe and stay tuned!
Written 9/13/2002 by Chris Taylor