I meant to update this site on Wednesday, but it has been a busy week for me. Ironically, my mentor is out of town this week. It just shows how dedicated I am. Anyway, I'm almost finished with a new section of the web site I'm working on. I just need the input of my coworkers to get it done. There's no rush, I still have six weeks of my internship left.
There is one thing that happened this week that's worth talking about. My watch broke early in the week. This is after I spent last week looking for a new watch battery, but I won't get into that (I did get the battery; It was the same day of my watch's demise). I decided to research new potential watches on the internet. You wouldn't believe what I found...
This Casio Watch has a built in color digita camera. Mind you it shows up black and white on the watch, but once it's downloaded to the computer, nice color images. I couldn't believe my eyes. The thing holds up to 80 pictures. It's also pretty cheap as digital cameras go. Casio also captured the watch look with its round face.
Decisive to say, I bought a different watch. I may consider it if I found it somewhere else for cheaper. There is another small detail that moved me to choose something else. The watch I did get can beam information to and from my Palm Pilot. It's always good to have a backup.
My new watch is on it's way, and I will be able to look at my arm to tell time once again. I've been able to make due so far, my cell phone has a clock. I guess I'm to lazy to have to keep reaching down and taking my phone off the clip just to see the time. Well, stay tuned and stay safe!
Written 6/13/2002 by Chris Taylor