I have been back to college for a month now and I have already had one paper, one test, three lab experiments, two lab reports (the third one isn't due until next week), and four quizzes. I also had one Florida Club meeting, there's another one next week, and a California Club/Florida Club Meeting tomorrow. A good friend of mine who works in the Admissions Office has also "recruted" me to help with the school's upcoming open house. I'm just building up a scenario here.
I also help one of my friends with Chemistry, Pre-Calculus, or whatever he needs help with. Through all this, I still noticed that there's a kitten living in the bushes next to my dorm. All that scenario-building just to get to a kitten who I fondly call "Little Maroon Tiger." For those who don't know, my school's mascot is the Maroon Tiger, and obviously maroon is one of the school colors, the other being white. I see this kitten almost every day when I go to class. It usually lays under the tree and meows. He (or she) doen't seem frightened by all the people.
It's also so warm here that it feels like home. I heard something about it on the news that the east coast is unseasonably warm and the west coast is unseasonably cold. All I care about is that I don't have to wear a jacket. Keep the warmth coming!
Finally, I leave you with a example of how dedicated I am through all this work. Last week, my Chemistry professor started problem sessions for students to learn how to do the homework problems. Students are required to attend at least one a week and there are two each week. There's one on Monday from 5pm to 6pm and the other is on Friday from 3pm to 4pm. Since the announcement was given on a Teusday, the offical first session was that Friday. I went on Friday, but I was the only one who showed up. The professor and I went through all the homework problems and I was done in twenty minues. Where was everyone else? I found out that 18 people showed up to the Monday session. There are 41 students in the class. The numbers aren't adding up here.
Well enough about me ... wait this is my website. It's pretty much all about me. Well then, I have work to do, that will never change. P.S. - Happy Birthday Sis!
Written 1/30/2002 by Chris Taylor