It has been well over a month since I have last updated this website. That should give everyone an idea of how busy I have been. During October I had my Mom's birthday, midterm week, homecoming week, and all the business that accompanies it. Even this week has a quiz and a test in it. It should be noted that this quiz and test are for the same class. There has been a lot on my plate this semester.
This year's homecoming was a memorable one. We had a pretty good fashion show, but it still didn't compare to the one we had two years ago. That one was so good, we didn't even have a fashion show last year. The step show this year was also very entertaining, with some memorable moments. This year's homecoming game was one of the best games we had this season. It was also the first game I have seen here go into overtime. Both teams had a lot of great plays, but we held out to win in overtime. Although some people say that the last play was a completed pass which would have kept the game going, but there's nothing that can be done about it now.
I'm looking foreward to what's to come this November. I always look foreward to Thanksgiving. My parent's anniversery is also coming this month. The next James Bond movie comes out November 22nd. Last but not least, a very close friend of mine is coming to visit Atlanta this month. Plus after Thanksgving break, there's only 3 days of classes left (then Finals week).
There's one last thing I want to mention which backs up my reasons why I will never drink alcohol. Last Friday night, someone became inibriated and tripped down the stairs in my dorm. He fell into a window, shattering it, and severely injured himself. He's ok now, but he'll be wearing a cast on his arm for a while. Those of you who choose to drink, I hope you do it responsably and not end up like my fellow student.
Don't forget to get out and vote on Teusday. I know I will be voting. In fact, I'll get to use a touchscreen voting booth. Stay tuned and stay safe!
Written 11/3/2002 by Chris Taylor